E-arbitration and hearings with online support

UNUM offers an online arbitration platform since the year 2008. This platform facilitates faster and more efficient arbitration proceedings. UNUM was one of the early adopters, if not the first, of this form of E-arbitration.

Based on experience from the various users of the E-arbitration facility since its introduction, UNUM developed an even more user friendly system that is available since 2018.

With travel restrictions in place around the world since March 2020, E-arbitration has become even more relevant.

In addition to using the UNUM E-arbitration platform, arbitrators and parties involved in a case might wish to conduct a hearing in a traditional venue. A meeting in person can have an advantage over online contact only. It is up to arbitrators, in consultation with parties, to decide in each individual case whether a hearing in person or a hearing online has to be held.

In a number of UNUM cases, hearings were conducted entirely via video connections. On few occasions, with the consent of those involved, recordings of these hearings have been made and added to the digital E-arbitration file.

In one specific case it paid off to organize a hybrid hearing. A combination of a physical hearing in The Hague Hearing Center with online connections to up to five different European locations to optimally serve parties, witnesses, court reporters and arbitrators. Even in times when travel is limited or prohibited, UNUM arbitration proceedings can continue to the satisfaction of all involved.