The difference between mediation and arbitration

Mediation and arbitration might be considered complementary procedures. If parties cannot obtain an agreement on settlement of their dispute by mediation, they can proceed to arbitration. Arbitration proceedings will result in an arbitral award, which is legally binding.

Mediation is a dynamic, structured, interactive process where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. The mediator does not render a decision. It is up to the parties to achieve an agreement.

Arbitration is a form of extrajudicial dispute resolution that parties can use to achieve speedy and high-quality results in settling disputes. Arbitrators render their formal decision. This arbitral award is enforceable in more than 150 jurisdictions under the New York Convention (1958), which includes countries that are not a party to bilateral judicial enforcement treaties.

Professional, transparent, independent and reliable

Unum Transport Arbitration & Mediation stands for a professional, transparent, independent and reliable platform that might unite parties in finding a solution to resolve their dispute in mediation or provide a decision by rendering an arbitral award in order to relieve parties from an unresolved issue. Unum offers a platform and services for professional specialised extrajudicial dispute resolution in shipping, shipbuilding, transport, logistics, and international trade.

When you include the UNUM arbitration clause in your contract you can rely on professional, transparent, efficient, and speedy dispute resolution with high quality results. Our meditators and arbitrators are international professionals. They are engaged, knowledgeable, neutral, impartial, and result oriented. This opens the door to quick and cost-effective dispute resolution.