E-Arbitration: faster and more efficient arbitration proceedings

What is E-arbitration?

Arbitration is a manner to resolve disputes by one or more private persons acting as a judge (the arbitrators). E-arbitration refers to the use of electronic means like e-mail and electronic file management systems to be used through the internet.

UNUM offers an online arbitration platform since the year 2008. This platform facilitates faster and more efficient arbitration proceedings. UNUM was one of the early adopters, if not the first, of this form of E-arbitration.

Based on experience from the various users of the E-arbitration facility during the past ten years, UNUM developed an even more user friendly system that is available since 2018.

Why E-arbitration?

E-arbitrage is particularly time and cost saving.

  • Parties and arbitrators as well as the secretariat of UNUM can share their correspondence, invoices and documents in a secure part of the UNUM website.
  • Each arbitration case can be approached via unique passwords only and stakeholders have access to arbitration documents of their own case only.
  • All stakeholders of a case get automatically notified by e-mail when new documents in a specific arbitration file have been uploaded. Arbitration proceedings can therefore be conducted effectively and quickly.
  • Anywhere in the world all documents will be available simultaneously.
  • Providing documents in five hard copies and paying courier expenses will not be needed anymore, resulting in significant time and cost savings.
  • Based on experience of users of the system the dashboard for using E-arbitration will be updated on a regular basis, resulting in improvement of the system.
  • The UNUM arbitration rules now prescribe use of E-arbitration as standard way of conducting the proceedings.
  • If required, parties may get a digital copy of the complete E-arbitration file upon finalizing of the proceedings.