Europort Seminar: Profitability and dispute resolution

Differences between the public court, mediation and arbitration

When it comes to dispute resolution different approaches might lead to similar outcomes. With different risk profiles in relation to public exposure, financial implications, enforceability and ultimately the profitability of a project. Or even a company in general.

Join UNUM on November 8 for an insightful seminar about how various methods of dispute resolution can effect profitability of maritime business. During the event you will to learn more about the differences between dispute resolution through the public court, mediation or arbitration. And why it is important to keep these differences in mind when doing business in the maritime industry.

Interactive programme

UNUM boardmembers Marieke van den Dool and Eveline Fetter will guide you through the programme. That consists of:

  • Various presentations,
  • a fictitious shipbuilding case highlighting practicalities,
  • active participation and interaction with the audience trough Kahoot.


• Differences between dispute resolution through the public court, mediation and arbitration;
• Considerations in relation to the different approaches;
• When to make a choice;
• Proceedings of the various approaches;
• What would be your best option for dispute resolution?


  • Willem Sprenger – former judge: legal proceedings at the court
  • Max van Leyenhorst – Attorney and Partner at Legaltree: Arbitration
  • Marc Padberg – Lawyer and Partner at Kneppelhout: Mediation


• 1200 – 1300: Doors open
• 1300 – 1600: Conference programme
• 1600 – 1700: Concluding networking drinks
• 1700 end of programme

For whom?

Commercial experts and inhouse legal specialists of companies active in shipbuilding, maritime supply industries or logistics.


Please be advised that admittance to Rotterdam Ahoy requires a free pre-registration. Click here to register for your Europort visit in advance.